The World Atlas of Language Structures Online database includes info on the Chibchan family. As one might guess, things are a little patchy (for example, their Kogi info is very sparsely represent), but it's actually impressive that they have as much as they in there as they do.
Presumably (hopefully!) we'll see this info updated as time goes on ....
Hello, Thank you so much for your interesting blog. I hope you dont' give it up.
I'm wondering if you have come across a chibcha/spanish dictionary. As a colombian obsesed with his roots, I'd love to learn a bit more about their language.
Thank you So much for any help!
Hi cpc,
Hmm, Blogger's notification system is not all that it might be, since I am only discovering your comment 3 years later ....
In any case, although I have not exactly given up, I have switched to a different blog -- -- which covers other philological topics besides Chibchan languges (though Chibchan languages are there, too!).
Also, the short answer to your question is: Yes, there are Muisca-Spanish dictionaries, though they were made in the Colonial period and are now available through modern editions of those Colonial-period texts. One has been, unfortunately, only published in the rather obscure academic journal "Estudios de Linguistica Chibcha" published by the Univeristy of Costa Rica. The other is María Stella González de Pérez (ed), Diccionario y gramática chibcha: manuscrito anónimo de la Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá: Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 1987, which you may be able to find through online sellers of used books, like
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